What is a glimpse?

What is a glimpse?

Have you ever had one of those experiences on a day when for just a few brief moments everything seemed right in the world? Maybe it’s a sunny day, about 75 degrees, window down while you drive through the beautiful countryside and smell the freshly mowed grass and a sense of peace and happiness just washes over you. I have a “Sunny Day” playlist for just those days and that seems to add to the experience. (Again, am I the only one who does this kind of stuff?) Anyway, this is just the faintest glimpse of what heaven will be like. It feels awesome when you experience it, but it is such a diluted version of what’s to come and it is so very fleeting.

It seems like those moments are harder to come by these days, especially if we are really living in the world and focused only on what we can see right now. When we do that, it is hard to have any kind of brightness in our day because the reality is that things are getting darker at an astounding rate. Today’s headlines seem so surreal, like they were ripped right out of the script for a dystopian movie.

For some of us, our own personal lives are filled with sorrow, grief, loss, stress, disappointment, suffering and worry. We feel like the bright sunny days will never come again and that the devil has gotten the better of us. It is so hard when we have personal stress coupled with the turmoil in the rest of the world and it feels like our whole life has been dumped upside down and we are just looking at a jumbled up mess of what it once was. And unfortunately my friends, we may never be able to reassemble those puzzle pieces in the same way again.

So did that last statement scare you? What if our lives change and we can’t get back our previous “normal” ever again? What then?

I know this may sound a little crazy, but we should be rejoicing about all of this! Why? Because our discomfort and dissatisfaction with this world is an indication that we are ready to look forward to what is ahead. If things are going well all the time, we tend to cling too tightly to this world. Sometimes God allows us to have hardships so that we don’t get too comfortable here and never want to leave. Sometimes our struggles help us not only to focus on God’s promise of an eternity free from pain and suffering, but it also helps us lean on Him more. Then our faith grows and He is able to work through us so that our current situation gets a little easier and our focus on the work we have left to do on this current earth becomes a little clearer.

Once we trust in Him not only for our good days, but for our bad days too, then He can really start to show us some awesome “glimpses” into the beauty He has planned for us. Some of those glimpses are for the here and now and some are for the future, but they are all incredible. If we will just let go of our control and let Him lead us, He will bring us through any challenge this life presents and use each of those times as an opportunity to strengthen us, bless us, or bless someone else and ultimately He uses all things for our good.

So spend some time today in a quiet place, just listening and waiting on what the Lord has for you. Don’t have an agenda or a list of what you need from Him, just sit and be quiet. Then close your eyes and wait for your GLIMPSE


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  1. I love everything that you have spoken right here. This is exactly what I needed and I know many others need to hear also. You have pointed out a lot of truth.
    The Lord is a GOOD, GOOD, FATHER.. Full of loving kindness and compassion. He is always working, He is the way maker. He is so trustworthy at all times. We just need to take the time to listen ❤️
    Thank you Jodi 😘

    • Kathy, the difficult times in my life have been very uncomfortable and at the time, I just wanted them to end. But in hindsight, I see the tremendous work and blessing that the Father was conveying at that time. A friend of mine recently gave me an article about an end times “birthing process” that some of us may go through. I feel that is where I am now. It is painful, exhausting, sometimes frightening, but I know in the end it will lead to something beautiful.

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