Happily Ever After

Happily Ever After

Like many women, I love Hallmark movies. No, like I REALLY love Hallmark movies. I have probably seen them all. I know, I know, they are quite predictable. But the reason I love them so much is that I feel the safety of knowing there will be a happy ending every time. There are no surprise plot twists or cliffhanger endings that require a part 2 to resolve and there inevitably is always a kiss at the end (and nothing more unwholesome than that). The world is so chaotic most of the time and filled with so many unhappy situations that I turn to these movies as a sort of mental vacation from the harsh reality of life.

If you aren’t a fan of Hallmark movies, perhaps you have a love for Disney movies, or at least a good rom-com. No matter what, we all crave that happy ending. Unfortunately, in this life we don’t always get one. BUT, I can tell you if you believe in Jesus as your Savior, then you will have something better than a happy ending…you will have a happily ever after, which is very different.

“Happily ever after” is actually something foreign and fairly inconceivable to most of us. After all, do you know anyone who has actually lived happily ever after in perpetual bliss? As much as we all long for it, just the idea of it makes us all a little bitter or a least a little sad because it’s such a “pie in the sky” concept, so unrealistic. But the great thing is…for us it isn’t. Maybe its too late at night and my mind is too easily impressed, but it kind of amazes me when I realize why we are so drawn to movies and books with these types of endings- it is because we were created for it. It is our destiny if we will only accept it and accept the One who is offering it to us- this beautiful, shiny, glimmering gift that lasts FOREVER and EVER, Amen!

Does this mean heaven will be like one big never ending Hallmark movie? I think not. Our story is so much more dynamic and for many of us, our stories of pain, suffering and loss in this world are so much more substantial, making our eternal escape from our struggles so much sweeter. I don’t think there is any way to fully understand or appreciate it until we are actually there, but we can dream.

Our glimpse of never ending happiness begins the moment Jesus calls us to him and we meet up with him in the air. First of all, can you imagine flying through the air with millions of other believers as our bodies are transformed into our new glorified bodies? The looks of awe and wonder, the smiles, the grins, the laughter as we are transported through the heavens to meet Jesus? We have already talked about the wedding supper of the Lamb. Just the idea of a party that lasts 7 years is mind boggling, but can you imagine day after day, finally realizing that you will never again be let down or disappointed? That you will never be hurt or mistreated, misunderstood or disregarded? That you will never again experience loss, pain or suffering? That you will finally understand the meaning of real love and feel the full intensity of it? Just the thought of having every burden lifted from us is awesome in and of itself, but to be fully filled with God’s perfect love is beyond any words in my vocabulary. We will be completely restored and out of the reach of sin and the destruction it causes. Relationships with loved ones and friends that have been marred by past hurts will be restored. People that never were able to have relationships on this earth due to sin and pain will see healing and friendships will be formed that were impossible to achieve previously.

To say “happily ever after” doesn’t even cut it anymore. What lies ahead of us is so much more than just riding off into a beautiful sunset. It is a perpetual work of art, a masterpiece, a symphony like no other. It is an experience that Jesus longs for each of us to have. It’s a good thing we have forever, because I think it will take an eternity to even come close to understanding the love of our Creator. It turns out not all good things must come to an end after all.

See you in the sky my friends! ♥

In the spirit of happily ever afters and magical transformations, I will leave with some of the Disney favorites to inspire you…


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1 Comment

  1. Thought provoking. For me, those moments of overwhelming happiness are usually accompanied with the thought of “how long will it last..” Thanks for giving me the thought that with God there is no ending to happinesses.

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