Battle Ready

Battle Ready

As I have gone through some rough patches in my life recently, I have been reminded of the verse in Ephesians 6 that says “For we are not fighting against flesh and blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.” We are told to put on the armor which God designed for us to wage such battles. Our full attire is described in verses 14-17: “Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of God’s righteousness. For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared. In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil. Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. “ It finally dawned on me that the battle is real and God did not give me a spirit of timidity. As I drew close to him in those dark hours, He urged me to put on my armor and start kicking butt because Jesus himself is my battle companion. I took this vision seriously and even made this my screensaver:

Now every time I look at my phone I am reminded of my mission. But this isn’t just MY mission, it’s yours too. In case you haven’t noticed, things aren’t getting any easier in this world. If you are a believer, now is the time to start getting battle ready. We all need to be prepared and not wait for a sucker punch in the mouth to start training. What does this mean? It means we pick up our bibles and read what the word of God says so we are wise and won’t be fooled or confused by the devil and his minions. It means we spend time praying and listening to what God

has to say to us in our individual lives. It means we walk into battle each day with confidence because He has said if we believe in Him as Lord and Savior, He will never leave us or turn His back on us. Because of this, we don’t have to live in fear- we can have peace, even in the midst of chaos. He will provide every single thing we need for whatever comes our way.

We don’t know when, but there will come a day when He rescues us from the midst of this war and takes us home. I talk about this more in “Wedding Plans”- check it out if you haven’t already done so. As the seven years of Tribulation comes to an end, then the war to end all wars will begin. This is when armies come from all over the earth, having been coerced by Satan, the Antichrist and the False Prophet using signs, wonders and miracles to deceive the nations into wanting to destroy Israel once and for all. (Revelation 16:13-16).

Let’s catch a glimpse of what is called the battle of Armageddon, which really more of a “campaign” that happens in stages. Some have estimated there may be about 100 million soldiers from all over the globe gathered against Jerusalem. They will converge in the Jezreel Valley, also known as the Valley of Megiddo- a place Napoleon once called “the world’s most perfect battle field.” Just when it looks like Israel- who has finally recognized Jesus as their true Messiah- will be destroyed, Jesus Christ makes his appearance. He will be dressed for battle with a robe dipped in blood, eyes blazing like fire and the words “King of Kings and Lord of Lords” on his thigh as he rides on a great white horse. But he won’t be alone- WE (believers) will be behind him, dressed in pure white linen and also on white horses. As you can imagine, we won’t have to do any fighting as we most definitely are not dressed for the occasion this time. No, we will sit back and watch as our Lord opens his mouth to slaughter those who would dare come against his people. The bible says there will be so much blood shed that it may be 4 feet deep and stretch for over 180 miles. (Revelation 14:20) As Jesus throws the Antichrist and the False Prophet alive into the lake of burning sulfur and captures Satan to be bound for 1000 years, the vultures descend upon the valley in a scene that would make the most violent war or horror movie look like a Disney cartoon.

The intensity continues until the defeat is final, and then Jesus goes into Jerusalem where he takes His righteous place in the Holy of Holies and the Millennium begins. The Millennium is a whole other glimpse we will talk about later. For now, we just need to be sure we are all on the right side of this “mother of all wars.” Now is the time to analyze your heart and decide which side you are on. As for me, I will be sitting on a white horse behind my Lord, watching in utter amazement as this all goes down. I have never really been into blood and gore, but I can’t wait for this. Justice will be served once and for all.


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1 Comment

  1. Committing to the armor of God has brought me a sense of mental and spiritual protection. In the current uncertainty of our earthly worldly earth, purposely wearing the body armor is a must. Thanks for Battle Ready.

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