A Letter to the Unbeliever

A Letter to the Unbeliever

I want to speak plainly to someone today who is visiting this site and is not a believer in Jesus Christ. You’re here for a reason, so keep reading. If you have looked through my posts, I’m sure by now you have seen that I believe that Christians will be suddenly taken from this Earth (raptured) by Jesus at some point in what is likely the near future. Exactly when, I do not claim to know, but the writing is on the wall that we are headed in that direction. You may think that is outlandish, far fetched, or ridiculous and that there is no way this would ever happen. I respect your right to think that, so I ask you to stay with me and consider what I’m about to say.

What if I’m right? I’m sure you’ve had crazy thoughts before, so just hang on and entertain one more for just a few minutes. What…..if….I’m…… right? If I’m right, then you are left here while millions of people are suddenly missing from the face of the earth. In the blink of an eye, they are gone. MILLIONS of people. Cars without drivers, planes without pilots, the person in front of you at the grocery store, a person being interviewed on live TV- just gone. What are you going to think? What are you going to do?? Who are you going to turn to?

I want a few things to really sink in. Even a non-believer would have to admit that this world is pretty messed up and seems to be getting worse by the hour. When the Christians are gone, things will take a nosedive for the worse. First there will a desperate attempt to figure out where all those people went. People will panic. If you think there’s a toilet paper shortage now, just wait. There will be a run on banks. Markets will crash. Looting, rioting, and murder will be everywhere. People will start to long for law and order once again. A figure who seems to have all the answers will emerge and will offer a lost world what seems like hope and a plan to end the chaos and confusion. Be prepared- things are about to get much, much worse.

This world leader will not be at all who he seems at first. He will be the most evil person who has ever walked the face of the earth. Don’t forget this. At some point you will be faced with a decision to take some sort of mark that will allow you to buy, sell, trade, or travel; without it, you won’t’ be able to do anything. No matter what, don’t take this mark. If you do, all hope will truly be lost for you. Life will seem beyond difficult and you will have to get creative and find others who refuse this mark and figure out how to survive. You must stay strong and not give in.

Things are going to start getting really crazy. Inexplicable events in nature will take place- bizarre things you have never seen before, scary things. At some point the whole “not taking the mark” thing is going to catch up with you. Your new world leader is going to have you killed if he finds you- that is, unless you don’t die first from all the freak events in nature or from starvation or murder at the hands of others who are also just trying to look out for themselves. You need to find the Truth before it is too late. Find a bible and read it. Read the “How to Get to Heaven” section on this site found in the menu. Find someone who has become a believer and talk to them. It will be so much harder then, but not impossible. If you don’t come to realize the truth of who Jesus really is before you die, there are no second chances.

After the Christians leave, there will be seven years of what I described above. If you can survive and you have come to find faith in Jesus Christ, then you are saved for eternity. If you cometo faith during the seven years but die before the end of this time, you are still saved. If not, an eternity in conditions worse than anything you can ever image awaits you. You will wish you could die but you never will. You don’t want this.

So back to your original thought. I can’t possibly be right. Ok, so if I’m wrong then maybe none of this will happen and maybe you just quietly die and simply cease to exist and that’s the end. But what if I’m right? Are you willing to take that gamble? Might it be worth your consideration to look a little further? Think about it and be very sure of your decision.

Some additional reading


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